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Breaking up long strings on multiple lines in Ruby without stripping newlines

People also ask

How do you break a long string into multiple lines?

Use triple quotes to create a multiline string It is the simplest method to let a long string split into different lines. You will need to enclose it with a pair of Triple quotes, one at the start and second in the end. Anything inside the enclosing Triple quotes will become part of one multiline string.

How do you split a string in Ruby?

Ruby – String split() Method with Examplessplit is a String class method in Ruby which is used to split the given string into an array of substrings based on a pattern specified. Here the pattern can be a Regular Expression or a string.

How do you create a multiline string in Ruby?

The easiest way to create a multiline string is to just use multiple lines between quotation marks: address = "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal."

How do you insert multiple lines in Ruby?

Use the + Operator for Writing Multi-Line String in Ruby.

Maybe this is what you're looking for?

string = "line #1"\
         "line #2"\
         "line #3"

p string # => "line #1line #2line #3"

You can use \ to indicate that any line of Ruby continues on the next line. This works with strings too:

string = "this is a \
string that spans lines"

puts string.inspect

will output "this is a string that spans lines"

Three years later, there is now a solution in Ruby 2.3: The squiggly heredoc.

class Subscription
  def warning_message
      Subscription expiring soon!
      Your free trial will expire in #{days_until_expiration} days.
      Please update your billing information.

Blog post link: https://infinum.co/the-capsized-eight/articles/multiline-strings-ruby-2-3-0-the-squiggly-heredoc

The indentation of the least-indented line will be removed from each line of the content.

I had this problem when I try to write a very long url, the following works.

image_url = %w(

Note, there must not be any newlines, white spaces when the url string is formed. If you want newlines, then use HEREDOC.

Here you have indentation for readability, ease of modification, without the fiddly quotes and backslashes on every line. The cost of joining the strings should be negligible.

I modified Zack's answer since I wanted spaces and interpolation but not newlines and used:

  It's a nice day "#{name}"
  for a walk!
].join(' ')

where name = 'fred' this produces It's a nice day "fred" for a walk!

This is by now a very old question but as the issue still seems to come up here's an updated answer. Since the original poster indicated this was for a Rails project you can look to Rails' String inflections for help.

my_long_string = <<-STRING
      multiindented string

=> " hello\n    there\n multiline\n      multiindented string\n"

Enter the squish method.

my_long_string = <<-STRING.squish
      multiindented string

=> "so long multiline multiindented string"

As per the docs -

squish() Returns the string, first removing all whitespace on both ends of the string, and then changing remaining consecutive whitespace groups into one space each.