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Async pipe not working with Subject

I have the following BehaviorSubject in a service:

  isAuthenticated = new BehaviorSubject<boolean>(false);

And I am using it as follows in a component:

  authenticated: Observable<boolean>;

  constructor(private accountService: AccountService) { }

  ngOnInit() {
    this.authenticated = this.accountService.isAuthenticated.asObservable();

And in the template I do something like :

  <li class="login-button" *ngIf="!authenticated | async">
    <a (click)="authenticate()">Log in</a>
  <li *ngIf="authenticated | async">
    <a>Logged in</a>

The issue is that I dont see any of the two li, although the assumption is that the first one should appear since I am assigning the initial value of the Subject to false.

What am I doing wrong?

like image 255
AngularDebutant Avatar asked Jan 18 '18 10:01


2 Answers

I suspect its the order of operations - you need parenthesis around your subscription:

<li class="login-button" *ngIf="!(authenticated | async)">
like image 74
pixelbits Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 18:11


I thought of posting a solution using ng-if-else which is maybe even more intuitive in your particular case:

<li class="login-button" *ngIf="(authenticated | async); else unauthenticated">
  <a>Logged in</a>
<ng-template #unauthenticated>
  <a (click)="authenticate()">Log in</a>

Alternatively you could puth both cases inside a ng-template:

<li class="login-button" *ngIf="(authenticated | async); then authenticated else unauthenticated"></li>
<ng-template #authenticated ><a>Logged in</a></ng-template>
<ng-template #unauthenticated><a (click)="authenticate()">Log in</a></ng-template>

Hope it is of any use to other people ending up here.

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Wilt Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 20:11
