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Using nested router-outlets in angular 4

Im using multiple router-oulets to load my components. The outer router-outlet is used load most basic components like login, home, 404. I used nested router-outlet to load sub components of home page. That router-outlet is nested inside the home.component.


<router-outlet name="homeRoute"></router-outlet>


const appRoutes: Routes = [
  {path: '', component: HomeComponent, children: [
    {path: '', component: DashboardComponent, outlet: 'homeRouter'},
    {path: 'user', component: UserComponent, outlet: 'homeRouter'},
    {path: 'user/:id', component: UserdetailComponent, outlet: 'homeRouter'}
  {path: 'login', component: LoginformComponent},
  {path: '**', component: NotfoundComponent}

HomeComponent and LoginformComponent need to loaded from the outer router-outlet. Home component contains inner router-outlet with name 'homeRouter', which I want to use to load sub components of the home page. But navigation of inner router wont work. I tried to access each component using router.navigate() method and using URL. But both of them did not work as expected.

Can someone tell me what is wrong with this code. I examined and tried few previous questions about the same problem but none worked fine.

Here are the URLs i tried for different components

  1. http://localhost:4200 dashboardComponet (this one works)
  2. http://localhost:4200/user userComponent (doesnt work. routes to notFoundComponent)
  3. http://localhost:4200/user/U001 userDetailComponent (doenst work.still route to notFoundComponent)
like image 463
LSampath Avatar asked Sep 26 '17 13:09


1 Answers

you do not need named router-outlet for nesetd routes, you can remove outlet: 'homeRouter' from the Routes and name="homeRoute" from router-outlet and it should work.

Having said that, if you have requirement for multiple router-outlet so that you can load an auxilary route along with primary route, the name of router-oulet should be same as outlet property. in the Routes which you are using you have outlet: "homeRouter" and name="homeRoute", they should be same.

Here is a complete example with multi level nested routes,


import { Component, NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { ActivatedRoute, RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router';

    selector: 'my-app',
    template: `<h1>Hello</h1>
  <a routerLink="/" >Home</a>
   <a routerLink="/admin" >Admin</a>
    <a routerLink="/nonexistingroute" >Non existing Route</a>
  <hr />
export class AppComponent {

    template: `<h1>Home</h1>
   <a routerLink="/" >Dashboard</a>
    <a routerLink="/users" >Users</a>
  <hr />
export class HomeComponent { }

    template: `<h1>Admin</h1>
export class AdminComponent { }

    template: `<h1>Dashboard</h1>
export class DashboardComponent { }

    template: `<h1>Users</h1>
  <a routerLink="user/1" >User 1</a>
  <a routerLink="user/2" >User 2</a>
  <hr />
export class Users { }

    template: `<h1>User {{id}}</h1>
export class UserdetailComponent {
    id = '';
    constructor(private readonly route: ActivatedRoute) {
        this.route.params.subscribe(params => {
            this.id = params.id;

    template: `<h1>Not found</h1>
export class NotfoundComponent { }

const appRoutes: Routes = [
        path: '',
        component: HomeComponent,
        children: [
            { path: '', component: DashboardComponent },
                path: 'users', component: Users,
                children: [
                    { path: 'user/:id', component: UserdetailComponent }
        path: 'admin',
        component: AdminComponent
    { path: '**', component: NotfoundComponent }

    imports: [BrowserModule, RouterModule.forRoot(appRoutes)],
    declarations: [AppComponent, HomeComponent, AdminComponent, NotfoundComponent, DashboardComponent, Users, UserdetailComponent],
    bootstrap: [AppComponent]

export class AppModule { }

like image 197
Madhu Ranjan Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 21:10

Madhu Ranjan