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Are there any OS X equivalents to `hcitool`?

I'd like to write some quick scripts to play with bluetooth devices (scan etc…), for the Mac. Under linux I'd probably use hcitool, or the python bluez library.

What tools are there for the Mac?

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Matt Avatar asked Sep 21 '08 09:09


1 Answers

hcitool is a command that comes with BlueZ, which is specific to the Linux kernel.

Unfortunately, I don't have Mac OSX, so I can't test this, but as far as I know, Darwin shares a lot with BSD, so they both use Netgraph framework for bluetooth drivers. There's some information on how to use Bluetooth in FreeBSD, I think they might be helpful, at least as a starting point. The hcitool equivalent in FreeBSD is hccontrol.

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rami Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09
