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uWSGI issue: dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libexpat.1.dylib




Trying to run uwsgi in Sierra 10.12.6, I get the following error:

dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libexpat.1.dylib
  Referenced from: /usr/local/bin/uwsgi
  Reason: Incompatible library version: uwsgi requires version 8.0.0 or later, but libexpat.1.dylib provides version 7.0.0
Abort trap: 6

I've tried:

brew update
brew reinstall expat 

and reinstalling uwsgi with pip, but no luck. Any idea what the fix would be?

like image 501
Fabio Avatar asked Apr 29 '18 00:04


2 Answers

Inside your activated virtual environment, force UWSGI reinstall and force to rebuild all UWSGI deps by ignoring cache. Run:

pip install uwsgi -I --no-cache-dir

Worked like a charm for me.

like image 182
Denialos Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 17:11


you can install from conda. To install this package with conda run one of the following:

conda install -c conda-forge uwsgi

conda install -c conda-forge/label/gcc7 uwsgi 

conda install -c conda-forge/label/broken uwsgi 

conda install -c conda-forge/label/cf201901 uwsgi 

its work for me!

like image 25
dong Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 17:11
