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How can we cache ldap login credentials in mac using opendirectory




In mac using Active Directory we can cache ldap login credentials by checking create mobile account at login. Is there any other way to do same thing in openldap. Please some one share information here

like image 712
MacDeveloper Avatar asked Dec 24 '14 06:12


People also ask

Do Macs cache credentials?

Locally cached credentialsMobile user accounts cache the user's information, including their password, so the user can log in to the Mac when it's disconnected from the organization's network. Changes made in the directory service won't be updated on the Mac until it reconnects to the organization's network.

1 Answers

Syammala and Stephen Rudolph,

Per your question: "Is there any other way to do the same thing in openldap"

You can indeed do this with OpenLDAP and SSSD - Follow this documentation for installation

You'll want to set your config, like in the example to:

cache_credentials = true
like image 69
mbeacom Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 06:11
