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How to get a local, older version of Safari on OS X Mavericks?

How to use an older version of Safari ( like Safari 5.1 or Safari 6.0 ) on Mac OS X Mavericks ? This StackOverflow question answers my question for OS X, except Mavericks.

Multi-Safari website doesn't load and from a google cached copy I only saw Mac OS X Lion solutions.

I'd prefer a local solution instead of using services like BrowserStack because they're just annoyingly slow...

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pyronaur Avatar asked Mar 05 '14 10:03


1 Answers

CNET has outdated Safari versions for download, e.g.

  • 5.1.7 , found via this search for Safari 6

  • 8.0.6

That said, I couldn't actually install them -- running the installer seems to succeed, but nothing new appears in /Applications, and OSX won't let you delete Safari as it's "required by OSX".

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ericsoco Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 01:10
