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Are SQL queries guaranteed to execute atomically when using UNION?

I am issuing a single SQL query consisting of multiple SELECTs grouped using UNION:

FROM   employee 
       LEFT JOIN department 
          ON employee.DepartmentID = department.DepartmentID
FROM   employee
       RIGHT JOIN department
          ON employee.DepartmentID = department.DepartmentID;

Assuming I execute this query under READ_COMMITTED transaction isolation, are the two SELECT statements guaranteed to execute atomically? Or do I run the risk of data changing between individual SELECT statements? Does the SQL specification discuss this sort of thing?

CLARIFICATION: When I say "Atomic" I don't mean the "A" in ACID. I mean that I expect both department and employee tables to be read-locked until the query completes.

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Gili Avatar asked Apr 08 '11 16:04


2 Answers

Yes the statement is atomic but yes the data can change between the 2 reads.

Read Committed only guarantees that you don't read dirty data it promises nothing else about consistency of reads for that you would need a higher isolation level.

As you said that you would accept a SQL Server Example...

Connection 1

(Assumes under pessimistic read committed isolation level)

name VARCHAR(50),
DepartmentID INT

CREATE TABLE department
DepartmentID INT

INSERT INTO department VALUES (1)
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ('bob',1)

declare @employee TABLE
name VARCHAR(50),
DepartmentID INT

WHILE ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @employee) < 2)
DELETE FROM  @employee

INSERT INTO @employee
SELECT employee.*
FROM   employee 
       LEFT JOIN department 
          ON employee.DepartmentID = department.DepartmentID
SELECT employee.*
FROM   employee
       RIGHT JOIN department
          ON employee.DepartmentID = department.DepartmentID


SELECT * FROM @employee

Connection 2

while (1=1)
UPDATE employee SET name = CASE WHEN name = 'bob' THEN 'bill' else 'bob' END

Now go back to connection 1

name                                               DepartmentID
-------------------------------------------------- ------------
bill                                               1
bob                                                1

(Remember to switch back to Connection 2 to kill it!)

The specific documentation covering this READ COMMITED behaviour is here

The shared lock type determines when it will be released. Row locks are released before the next row is processed. Page locks are released when the next page is read, and table locks are released when the statement finishes.

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Martin Smith Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09

Martin Smith

Using UNION will remove any duplicate records that may be returned from either of the unioned queries, so not exactly atomic. Use UNION ALL if you want all records from all unioned queries. UNION ALL can be much faster that UNION also.

like image 27
Parris Varney Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 13:09

Parris Varney