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Are AdWords Keyword/AdGroup/Campaign IDs unique across multiple accounts?

In the Google AdWords API, I believe Keyword IDs and AdGroup IDs (and obviously Campaign IDs) are unique within an account (as opposed to the Keyword ID only being unique within its enclosing AdGroup, and the AdGroup ID only being unique within its enclosing Campaign).

But are they guaranteed to be unique across multiple accounts?

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jchl Avatar asked Nov 13 '11 13:11


1 Answers

Tector's answer is great--adding this because the documentation Tector links to has since been updated to clarify a point of confusion.

Globally unique entities are:

  • CampaignId
  • AdGroupId
  • BudgetId
  • FeedId
  • FeedItemId
  • FeedMappingId
  • LabelId

'Globally', according to the documentation, means unique across accounts.

Some of these IDs are unique on a global level across all AdWords accounts, while others are unique only within a confined scope.

From: https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/guides/working-with-objects

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Tim Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 03:09
