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Google adwords: "An error occurred. Please try again later." message

I am trying to upload a new campaign but always get a message: "An error occurred. Please try again later."

On all fields: enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

Does anyone know this kind of error?

like image 807
Yuval Levy Avatar asked Jan 03 '17 10:01

Yuval Levy

People also ask

Why are my Google Adwords not working?

Your ad has been paused, removed, or disapproved It's possible that your Google ads aren't showing simply because they've been paused—or because the ad groups or campaigns that house them have been paused. If this is the case, all you need to do is switch them from Paused to Enabled.

Why does my Google ad keep getting disapproved?

Ads are disapproved because they don't comply with one or more of the Authorized Buyers policies for advertising on the Google network. Authorized Buyers reserves the right to disapprove ads that breach any of these policies and to suspend entire accounts for certain violations.

1 Answers

I found this post while researching the same error. I found that the Campaign Management editor did not like my exclamation points in the "Ad text ideas" fields. On a whim I changed them to periods and could then save.

Once the campaign was created I tried to edit the now existing campaign and change the periods back to exclamation points again but got the same error. Changed them to periods again and it saved just fine.

I'm not sure if this is what you were experiencing. Hopefully this info helps someone.


It's amazing that almost a year later this bug/feature is still there with no documentation or explanation. As Goktay alludes in the comments, one and only one of the "Ad text ideas" may contain an exclamation point. Any more will trigger this error.

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Dave Rager Avatar answered Nov 21 '22 20:11

Dave Rager