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can't find where to create adwords developer token

I'm truing to figure out how to create an adwords developer token in new google interface. It was in settings tab formerly (right here at the screenshot http://take.ms/9lBlZ) but now it's gone. I looked through almost all links and didn't find an answer. So I really appreciate your help guys! Thanks!

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Alex Berdyshev Avatar asked Sep 06 '14 12:09

Alex Berdyshev

People also ask

Where do I find my Google Ad developer token?

Your token will be available through your API Center—accessible through the Account settings menu for the manager account from which you applied. You'll be able to access the API by including it in your request headers when interacting with our system.

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Because OAuth2 access expires after a limited time, an OAuth2 refresh token is used to automatically renew OAuth2 access. Click the tab for the programming language you're using, and follow the instructions to generate an OAuth2 refresh token and set up the configuration file for your client.

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Instructions. Sign in to your Google Ads account. Click the help icon in the top right corner. Find “Customer ID” at the bottom of the menu.

1 Answers

If you create a campaign in your MCC (manager account), the MCC became normal Account, and you cant find "AdWords API Center" option.

I had to re-create another MCC

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Gianluca Demarinis Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 07:11

Gianluca Demarinis