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Any mobile ad platform that allow AJAX requests?

I've uploaded an HTML5 ad to my AdMob account, but it's disapproved because I have included JS code that makes ajax get requests to my website (I guess it's the reason because the same html was approved after removing the AJAX requests).

Do you know any limitations on AJAX requests in AdWords? Can you suggest some documentation on the issue? Any alternative platform that approves ads with AJAX request?

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benams Avatar asked Apr 17 '18 10:04


1 Answers

Maybe this thread could help you: AdWords Conversion code with Google Tag manager for Ajax and self-submit forms

Step 1: Log in to your google tag manager account, if you don’t have one just create one using your gmail / Adwords logins.

Step 2: Create a container and place it on all pages of your website

Step 3: Create a new tag in Google Tag Manager name it as “Event Listener for contact form submit” (I am naming this for contact form submit you can name it according to your objective) enter image description here

Step 4: Choose tag type as Event >> Form Submit Listener

enter image description here Step 5: Set a rule for this event listener tag to fire on page where you form is located

enter image description here

Step 6: Select “Wait for tags” and “check validation” options and save this tag (Maximum wait is 2 seconds)

enter image description here

Step 7: Create one more tag call it “Adwords conversion tracking” and in tag type select “Adwords conversion tracking” enter image description here

Step 8: Set a rule for this tag to fire {{event}} equals : gtm.formSubmit

{{url}} contains : contact.php (your form page)

enter image description here

Step 9: Create a new version of your container

enter image description here

Step 10: Click on Update , preview & Debug

enter image description here


Step 11: Visit your form page in the same browser and take a look at debug window at the bottom of the browser It should show event listener tag firing but conversion tag not firing

enter image description here

Step 12: Submit the form Keep watching your debugger at bottom

As soon as you submit Adwords conversion tracking should say Fired on event “gtm.formSubmit”.

This means everything has worked and you are ready to go live

In your google tag manager navigate to versions >> overview >> version # which you created and click on Publish

enter image description here

like image 198
Benjamin RD Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 00:11

Benjamin RD