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Admob interstial loadAd function too slow

I recently added an interstitial ad using Admob with the Google Play services library (which is still pretty buggy BTW).

The interstitial is working well but the following call:

// Begin loading interstitial

is very slow, it can delay up to 2 seconds the first launch of my app.

What could I do to avoid this? I followed exactly the example provided by Google here.

FYI I tried to load the ad in the background using an AsyncTask but it does not seem possible to do it:

03-23 15:50:21.939: E/AndroidRuntime(3572): Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: loadAd must be called on the main UI thread.

Thank you

like image 355
Yoann Hercouet Avatar asked Mar 23 '14 07:03

Yoann Hercouet

1 Answers

Are you using the ad listener? try this:

interstitial = new InterstitialAd(this);

// Create ad request.
AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder()

// Begin loading your interstitial.

interstitial.setAdListener(new AdListener() {
    public void onAdLoaded() {
like image 125
Jacob Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 17:10
