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Native Admob ads using ionic/cordova

I have actually successfully implemented banner and interstitial ads in my app but I would love to have a less intrusive way of making a few extra bucks to keep the lights one.

I'd really like to implement Native ads through admob in my cordova/ionic project. The problem is I can't use the SDK and I can't reverse engineer adsense to show in the app because that is against policy.

I've been searching Stack for answers but the only think I really see is implementation help for banners and interstitials (which I'm good with). My question is, Has anyone had any luck with implementing native ads using admob in a cordova/ionic project? Link below to "native ads" so we are all on the same page. Basically it means in the main feed and not floating at the bottom or poping up to take full screen.

AdMob Native Ads

Thanks in advance!

like image 808
hefty_kat Avatar asked Jun 27 '16 22:06


1 Answers

They don't support currently. Here is answer from Google Employee..Answer in Google official forum

like image 179
Pradeep Behera Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 15:11

Pradeep Behera