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Java SIP Plugin for Cordova or Phonegap for Audio and Video streaming

I've been doing some research on Phonegap and Cordova, it seems there is no support for creating apps that have SIP and VOIP functionality since HTML5 and Javascript have little or no support for these protocols (webRTC and websockets are not yet supported on most mobile phone browsers). However I found out it is possible to create and use Plugins in order to use native functionality of the Operating Systems (iOS and Android in this case).

My question is that, if for example I write native JAVA codes for my Android-Phonegap application, will I be able to use it as a plugin to stream audio and video in my Android-Phonegap application? what are the limitations of using a plugin (with native functionality) in Phonegap or Cordova? Most of the plugin codes I checked online had a "Result" in the end, does this effect streaming of Audio and Video?

Thanks in advance.

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Hossein Jabbari Avatar asked Apr 11 '14 21:04

Hossein Jabbari

1 Answers

A proof-of-concept Cordova app that uses SIP.js with the PhoneRTC plugin to make WebRTC calls over the internet.


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Zymotik Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 01:11
