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Anyone using Node.js with Amazon SNS and Apple Push Notifications?

I'm looking for examples of using node.js with Amazon SNS and Apple APN push notifications. We use Amazon for our hosting, and I have used SNS before, it's pretty simple. But the examples they have for push notifications are for java, and there is no examples for Node. It's confusing, as usual with them, and I'm hoping to cut my research and time spent short. It can't be that hard. I'm also wondering how they deal with errors, and the differences between the sandbox and production. Apple reacts differently between the two environments, not failing in the sandbox as they do in production.

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CargoMeister Avatar asked Feb 06 '14 16:02


People also ask

Does Amazon SQS send push notifications?

With Amazon SNS , you have the ability to send push notification messages directly to apps on mobile devices. Push notification messages sent to a mobile endpoint can appear in the mobile app as message alerts, badge updates, or even sound alerts.

Does SNS support web push?

Besides pushing cloud notifications directly to mobile devices, Amazon SNS can also deliver notifications by email, to Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) queues, or to any HTTP endpoint.

Does iOS support PWA push notifications?

Apple announced support for web push notifications for Safari on iOS starting in 2023. At the company's annual developer event WWDC in June 2022, Apple announced that this feature was coming to iOS.

1 Answers

It ends up not being that hard, just figuring out the documentation was unpleasant. You need to create the main endpoint for the SNS topic in the console, by far the easiest way, including the loading of the certificate. You then used createPlatformEnpoint to create an endpoint for each device id. That returns another SNS topic, specific fo that device, that you then use to send the message.

So, the following works to send a single message to a single client. If you want send something en masse, not sure you can do that. Also not sure how you deal with Apple's feedback, which you are supposed to check for failed sends.

config = require("./config.js").config;

var token = "1234567898123456789";

var AWS = require('aws-sdk');

AWS.config.update({accessKeyId: config.AWSAccessKeyId, secretAccessKey: config.AWSSecretKey});
AWS.config.update({region: config.AWSRegion});

var sns = new AWS.SNS();

var params = {'PlatformApplicationArn':config["AWSTargetARN"],'Token':token};

var message = 'Test';
var subject = 'Stuff';

    var client_arn = EndPointResult["EndpointArn"];

    TargetArn: client_arn,
    Message: message,
    Subject: subject},
        if (err)
            console.log("Error sending a message "+err);
            console.log("Sent message: "+data.MessageId);

like image 185
CargoMeister Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 03:10
