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Mongoose, check if value exists in an array of objects

I have a collection with: I want to use the $in operator

Person = {
 name: String,
 members: [ {id: String, email: String}... {}]

I use this so far:

Person.find({members: {"$in": [id1]}}) 

But I already know the flaw: If the array of members was like Members: [id1, id2, ... id3] that method would work. But it is an array of objects. So how do I get around it?

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Marodian Avatar asked Dec 31 '16 01:12


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So remember, when accessing an array of objects in mongoose, we have to use a dot(.) followed by the field name of the object. Searching inside of an array is very common and it will come in handy so it is great to have it mastered. Thank you for joining us for another Object Rocket knowledge-base tutorial.

How do you check if a value exists in an array in MongoDB?

You can just simply use count method.

How do I query an array of objects in MongoDB?

To search the array of object in MongoDB, you can use $elemMatch operator. This operator allows us to search for more than one component from an array object.

How do you query an array?

To query if the array field contains at least one element with the specified value, use the filter { <field>: <value> } where <value> is the element value. To specify conditions on the elements in the array field, use query operators in the query filter document: { <array field>: { <operator1>: <value1>, ... } }

2 Answers

$elemMatch can be used with Arrays of Embedded Documents:

In your case you could try:

   members: { 
      $elemMatch: { id: id1 } 

But since it is a Single Query Condition:

   "members.id": id1

Would do the trick.

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Antonio Val Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 09:10

Antonio Val

You can use elem match in the following way:

  arrayfield: {
    $elemMatch: {
      id: ObjectId("5eaaeedd00101108e1123461")

The same can be done in mongoose in the following ways:

query.elemMatch('arrayfield', { id: ObjectId("5eaaeedd00101108e1123461") })


query.where('arrayfield').elemMatch({ id: ObjectId("5eaaeedd00101108e1123461") })


query.elemMatch('arrayfield', function (elem) {


query.where('arrayfield').elemMatch(function (elem) {
  elem.where({ id: ObjectId("5eaaeedd00101108e1123461") });

I have used this example collection:

    "_id": ObjectId("5eaaeedd00101108e1123451"),
    "arrayfield": [
        id: ObjectId("5eaaeedd00101108e1123461"),
        name: "David"
        id: ObjectId("5eaaeedd00101108e1123462"),
        name: "Brown"
    "_id": ObjectId("5eaaeedd00101108e1123452"),
    "arrayfield": [
        id: ObjectId("5eaaeedd00101108e1123471"),
        name: "Maple"
        id: ObjectId("5eaaeedd00101108e1123472"),
        name: "Green"
    "_id": ObjectId("5eaaeedd00101108e1123453"),
    "arrayfield": [
        id: ObjectId("5eaaeedd00101108e1123461"),
        name: "David"
        id: ObjectId("5eaaeedd00101108e1123482"),
        name: "Lacey"

Want to try live? Try it on mongo playground with this link https://mongoplayground.net/p/H3fdmp9HkQv

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Vinit Khandelwal Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 11:10

Vinit Khandelwal