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Make all fields required in Mongoose

Mongoose seems to default to make all fields not required. Is there any way to make all the fields required without changing each of:

Dimension = mongoose.Schema(
  name: String
  value: String


Dimension = mongoose.Schema(
    type: String
    required: true
    type: String
    required: true

It'll get really ugly since I have a lot of these.

like image 248
maxko87 Avatar asked Nov 04 '13 05:11


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2 Answers

I ended up doing this:

r_string = 
  type: String
  required: true 

r_number = 
  type: Number
  required: true

and on for the other data types.

like image 156
maxko87 Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 11:10


You could do something like:

var schema = {
  name: { type: String},
  value: { type: String}

var requiredAttrs = ['name', 'value'];

for (attr in requiredAttrs) { schema[attr].required = true; }

var Dimension = mongoose.schema(schema);

or for all attrs (using underscore, which is awesome):

var schema = {
  name: { type: String},
  value: { type: String}

_.each(_.keys(schema), function (attr) { schema[attr].required = true; });

var Dimension = mongoose.schema(schema);
like image 45
190290000 Ruble Man Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 10:10

190290000 Ruble Man