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AngularJS & UI - Can't access form outside when inside tab

I'm using AngularJS version 1.0.5 and Angular UI (Bootstrap) 0.4.0. I'm trying to integrate 2 features: the tabs of the UI and the forms of Angular.

I have nested forms. One form (outerForm) wraps the whole tabset. The other form (innerForm) resides within one tab.

I want to have a button, outside of the tabs, that will be enabled\disabled according to the validity of the innerForm!

When I try to access innerForm.$valid from outside the form itself, it does not work.

Here is a plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/sEz8TG?p=preview

Now, when I try the same with regular Bootstrap, it does seem to work: http://plnkr.co/edit/Somic4?p=preview

When the inner form resides within a regular div, I can access it from outside. When I use the special 'tab' syntax of Angular UI, it does not work anymore.

like image 613
Daniel Wolf Avatar asked Jun 26 '13 16:06

Daniel Wolf

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1 Answers

The tabset directive is generating a local scope which isn't part of your outer forms scope.


In the example that does work, your inner and outer form properties are within the same scope. In order to prove this, I stripped out the outer tabset and tab tag directives show here and it works. When you surround the markup with tabset directives, a new isolated scope is generated in which innerForm is part of.

To fix this, you can do a $watch for changes in the form followed by an $emit() (http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng.$rootScope.Scope) to communicate to the outer scope of the inner scope change in values and validity.

If you are using Chrome, get the Batarang extension which will show you your scope hierarchies

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mitch Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 11:09
