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Angular Material Stepper Component For Each Step

I have a angular material linear stepper each step is a separate angular component containing a form which needs validation

The validation simply just isn't working. I can progress through to the next step without completing the form.

To illustrate what I mean I have created a condensed version on stackblitz.

The main things to look at (I think) is the create-profile.component.html

<mat-horizontal-stepper linear #stepper>
    <mat-step [stepControl]="frmStepOne">
        <ng-template matStepLabel>Step One Details</ng-template>
    <mat-step [stepControl]="frmStepTwo">
        <ng-template matStepLabel>Step Two Details</ng-template>
    <mat-step [stepControl]="frmStepThree">
        <ng-template matStepLabel>Step Three Details</ng-template>

And each step-X-component

Here is the stackblitz. https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-vpoj5j

like image 265
Ben Donnelly Avatar asked Jan 29 '18 10:01

Ben Donnelly

People also ask

What is stepControl in Mat stepper?

For each mat-step , the stepControl attribute can be set to the top level AbstractControl that is used to check the validity of the step. There are two possible approaches. One is using a single form for stepper, and the other is using a different form for each step.

How many stepper types do we have in general?

There are three main types of stepper motors: Permanent magnet stepper. Variable reluctance stepper. Hybrid synchronous stepper.

1 Answers

The problem is in your CreateProfileComponent:

    selector: 'create-profile-component',
    templateUrl: './create-profile.component.html'
export class CreateProfileComponent {

    frmStepOne: FormGroup;
    frmStepTwo: FormGroup;
    frmStepThree: FormGroup;

    constructor(private fb: FormBuilder) { }


There is no relation between your defined FormGroups in CreateProfileComponent and your stepper components. You tried to extend every StepComponent with CreateProfileComponent, but with this approach every StepComponent has its own instance of CreateProfileComponent and so their own FormGroup declaration.

To solve your problem you can declare template variables for every StepComponent in your html (starting with #) and pass the formControl to [stepControl]:

<mat-horizontal-stepper linear #stepper>
    <mat-step [stepControl]="step1.frmStepOne">
        <ng-template matStepLabel>Step One Details</ng-template>
        <step-one-component #step1></step-one-component>
    <mat-step [stepControl]="step2.frmStepTwo">
        <ng-template matStepLabel>Step Two Details</ng-template>
        <step-two-component #step2></step-two-component>
    <mat-step [stepControl]="step3.frmStepThree">
        <ng-template matStepLabel>Step Three Details</ng-template>
        <step-three-component #step3></step-three-component>

Or you leave your html as it is and work with ViewChild() (my preferred approach):

    selector: 'create-profile-component',
    templateUrl: './create-profile.component.html'

export class CreateProfileComponent {

    @ViewChild(StepOneComponent) stepOneComponent: StepOneComponent;
    @ViewChild(StepTwoComponent) stepTwoComponent: StepTwoComponent;
    @ViewChild(StepTwoComponent) stepThreeComponent: StepThreeComponent;

    get frmStepOne() {
       return this.stepOneComponent ? this.stepOneComponent.frmStepOne : null;

    get frmStepTwo() {
       return this.stepTwoComponent ? this.stepTwoComponent.frmStepTwo : null;

    get frmStepThree() {
       return this.stepThreeComponent ? this.stepThreeComponent.frmStepThree : null;


Either way there is no need to extend your StepComponents with CreateProfileComponent and it doesn't make any sense.

    selector: 'step-x-component',
    templateUrl: './step-x.component.html',
export class StepXComponent {

    public frmStepX: FormGroup;

    constructor(private formBuilder: FormBuilder) {

    ngOnInit() {
        this.frmStepX = this.formBuilder.group({
            name: ['', Validators.required]


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SplitterAlex Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 01:10
