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How to bind to radio buttons in angular2 beta 6

How does one achieve radio button binding in beta 6?

I found a great plnkr for beta 0 (see http://plnkr.co/edit/aggee6An1iHfwsqGoE3q?p=preview), but when I try to update it to beta 6 it breaks horribly (see http://plnkr.co/edit/voU933?p=preview).

I took a look at the commit that added built-in support for radio options (see https://github.com/angular/angular/commit/e725542), which gives this example

  template: `
    <input type="radio" name="food" [(ngModel)]="foodChicken">
    <input type="radio" name="food" [(ngModel)]="foodFish">
class FoodCmp {
  foodChicken = new RadioButtonState(true, "chicken");
  foodFish = new RadioButtonState(false, "fish");

but my attempts to make that work have so far ended up quite like my failed plnkr.

like image 815
Matt Tsōnto Avatar asked Feb 26 '16 13:02

Matt Tsōnto

People also ask

How do I add a radio button to a form?

To make a basic form with radio buttons in it, wrap your radio button grouping(s) in a <form> tag, and include a <button> of type submit at the bottom. When the user clicks “Submit,” their responses are sent to the form handler. See below for a simple form example.

How do you create radio buttons in a group?

You group radio buttons by drawing them inside a container such as a Panel control, a GroupBox control, or a form. All radio buttons that are added directly to a form become one group. To add separate groups, you must place them inside panels or group boxes.

Which attribute is used to insert radio button?

Radio buttons are created using <input> tag in HTML whith radio as the type attribute.

How do I tab through a radio button?

When focus moves to the group in which a radio button is selected, pressing Tab and Shift+Tab keys move focus to the radio button that is checked. Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys move focus and selection. Up Arrow key press moves focus and selection forward through the radio buttons in the group.

1 Answers


Radio is working fine in RC.4 and the new forms module. See for example the Plunker in https://stackoverflow.com/a/38590919/217408


Several issues.

Using <script src="https://code.angularjs.org/2.0.0-beta.7/angular2.min.js"></script> caused an exception. I got rid of it by removing `min.?

The radio binds the value {checked: true} instead of value. This is obviously a bug and probably the same as these

  • Radio button data binding and form validation not working
  • Cannot select multiple radio buttons in same control group (fixed)
  • input type=radio not handled correctly by ng-model (fixed)
  • https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/7642

I got it working with an ugly workaround. See https://plnkr.co/edit/988PSJKXCfrUXfLOGgyg?p=preview

    <input type="radio" [ngModel]="{checked: model.sex == 'male'}" (ngModelChange)="model.sex='male'"  name="sex" value="male">Male<br>
    <input type="radio" [ngModel]="{checked: model.sex == 'female'}"  (ngModelChange)="model.sex='female'" name="sex" value="female">Female
like image 72
Günter Zöchbauer Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 15:10

Günter Zöchbauer