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Angular mat-selection-list, How to make single checkbox select similar to radio button?

How to make single checkbox select from mat-selection-list. Similar to radio button which accepts one value from group of values.

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user9182427 Avatar asked Jan 16 '18 09:01


3 Answers

Components >= 9.1.0

Selection list now supports a single selection mode directly. Enable it with the multiple input set to false.

<mat-selection-list [multiple]="false">...

Components < 9.1.0

You have to set SelectionModel for selectedOptions property of component reference on init.

@ViewChild(MatSelectionList, {static: true})
private selectionList: MatSelectionList;

ngOnInit() {
    this.selectionList.selectedOptions = new SelectionModel<MatListOption>(false);

MatSelectionList api

This way you can define initially selected values too.

export declare class SelectionModel<T> {
    constructor(_multiple?: boolean, initiallySelectedValues?: T[], _emitChanges?: boolean);

GitHub api

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hovado Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 11:10


What you'd need to do is:

  • Listen for selectionChange
  • Clear all with deselectAll() method
  • Set it as selected again

I modified the original example from the API page, added a ViewChild for the selection list and subscribe to the selectionChange event.


    this.shoes.selectionChange.subscribe((s: MatSelectionListChange) => {          

        s.option.selected = true;

    // WARNING: Don't attempt to do the following to select the value
    // it won't trigger the value change event so it will remain unchecked
    // this.shoes.selectedOptions.select(s.option);

    // If interested source is here : 
    // https://github.com/angular/material2/blob/fa4ddd0a13461b2f846e114fd09f8f4e21b814b1/src/lib/list/selection-list.ts

Working sample: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-i3pfu2-6n5cnt

See also: https://material.angular.io/components/list/api

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Simon_Weaver Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 11:10


To begin with, mat-selection-list is not suitable for a single-value selection, as it veers away from its intent:

Checkboxes in a group are non-exclusive options; more than one checkbox in a group can be checked at any given time

What you're looking for is the radio-button element itself, because semantically it stands for:

A radio button is one of a group of controls representing mutually-exclusive choices

Unfortunately Angular Material does not include a mat-radio-list component. But you can still achieve it by including a mat-radio-button inside you mat-list-item. This will provide best practice, as it denotes to the user that the list in view is intended for mutually-exclusive choices (unlike checkboxes that denote multiple-choice). And since the radio buttons are updating a single variable, you get exclusivity:

<mat-list role="list">
  <mat-list-item role="listitem" *ngFor="let x of [0,1,2]; let i = index">
    <mat-radio-button [value]="i" (change)="selection = $event.value">
        Item {{x}}

Check a Stackblitz

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Asaf Agranat Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 11:10

Asaf Agranat