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How do I see what files were changed between 2 revisions?


I just want to see what files were modded/added/deleted between 2 arbitrary revisions. How do I do this?

Can I do this in tortoise as well?

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Dane O'Connor Avatar asked Oct 03 '08 15:10

Dane O'Connor

3 Answers

svn log -v -rX:Y .

The -v for "verbose" switch will give you detailed output on which files were affected on that revision.

Note that "." assumes you are currently in a working copy directory, but you can also use a URL such as "http://svn.myawesomesoftwareproject.com/trunk/lib/foo.c".

This information can be found by typing "svn help log", or by reading the SVN Book, available free online. Don't forget to Read The Friendly Manual!

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Max Cantor Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 13:11

Max Cantor

If you want a concise list of files without the times and commit messages, you can do it like this:

svn diff -r X:Y --summarize
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Elias Zamaria Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 15:11

Elias Zamaria

Right click the directory containing your repo. Choose SVN Show Log. Control+Click the two revisions. Right click on one and choose Compare Revisions.

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Tom Ritter Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 14:11

Tom Ritter