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Angular 2 - Single Form Component for Create and Edit

I'm looking for some good advice / best practice to reuse my Form Component.

Data Model:

class Contact {
  id?: String;
  name: String;
  • When creating a new Contact there's of course no id, that's why it's optional in the model.

  • When editing a Contact there is an id, but it's not editable and thus it's not part of the form.


The Edit and the Create view should use the same Form @Component, because the available fields are the same, and validation constraints are the same, too.

But both views must have different actions. E.g. the Edit view must have a Delete and Reload button, and of course the Save buttons of both views must behave differently (Create makes a POST request, Edit makes a PATCH request).

What I tried / Problems:

I created a ContactCreateComponent and a ContactEditComponent, which both have the <contactForm [contact]="contact"></contactForm> within their template. And because both views must have different buttons and actions, I did place the Buttons with in the Create and Edit Components.

The ContactFormComponent has the <form [formGroup]="form"> and <input formControlName="name"> tags.

Now I can't figure out how to pull the form data out of the ContactFormComponent when the Save Button is clicked.

Thoughts / Ideas:

I could define the FormGroup within the Create and Edit Components and then pass the FormGroup instance to the Form Component via @Input. This way I could read / update / reset the Form Data. But then I had to write the whole FormGroup definition and validators twice, though in my opinion this should stay within the Form Component.

(I don't want to use two-way binding on the @Input property, because Contact is immutable)

Do you have any idea how to solve this?

like image 551
Benjamin M Avatar asked Sep 10 '16 05:09

Benjamin M

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1 Answers

Now I can't figure out how to pull the form data out of the ContactFormComponent when the Save Button is clicked.

Create a @ViewChild("form") form: ContactForm; Then you can call form.contact to get the editing contact.

In this case I wouldn't write 2 different component. Just check if current form is creating or editing. So I would stay in the same form, after pushing Save button an Create Form will become Edit Form anyway.

like image 156
Daniel Tran Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 03:10

Daniel Tran