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Angular 2 Custom Error Handling and Router



I have a custom exception handler that is supposed to take the user to a custom error page if any exception occurs(just trying it out).

I am trying to get the instance of the router using Injector. Reason for doing this, I believe the injector will give the existing router instance and using it i will be able to route the user.

Any ideas why this is not working or how this can be achieved ?

Thank You :)

export class AppExceptionHandler extends ExceptionHandler{

    super(null, null);

call(exception:any, stackTrace?:any, reason?:string):void {

    var providers = Injector.resolve([ROUTER_PROVIDERS]);
    var injector = Injector.fromResolvedProviders(providers);

    // this is causing issue, not sure it is the correct way
    let router : Router = injector.get(Router);

    // not executed

    // not executed 


Answer - tested in 2.0.0-beta.17 Thanks to Druxtan

1. Created a file app.injector.ts inside the app folder (app/app.injector.ts)
let appInjectorRef;

export const appInjector = (injector?) => {
    if (!injector) {
        return appInjectorRef;

    appInjectorRef = injector;

    return appInjectorRef;
2. Added to the bootstrap in the main.ts 
bootstrap(AppComponent,[ROUTER_PROVIDERS, HTTP_PROVIDERS,provide(ExceptionHandler,{useClass : AppExceptionHandler})])
    .then((appRef) => appInjector(appRef.injector));
3. In the AppExceptionHandler, retrieved the Router instance as shown below
export class AppExceptionHandler {

    call(exception:any, stackTrace?:any, reason?:string):void {

        let injectorApp = appInjector();
        let router = injectorApp.get(Router);
        let localStorageService = injectorApp.get(LocalStorageService);

        if(exception.message === '-1'){

like image 426
ssujan728 Avatar asked Apr 21 '16 09:04


1 Answers

I would implement your feature this way since this class takes place in the dependency injection:

export class AppExceptionHandler extends ExceptionHandler {
  constructor(private router:Router) {
    super(null, null);

  call(exception:any, stackTrace?:any, reason?:string):void {


and register your handle this way:

bootstrap(MyApp, [
  provide(ExceptionHandler, {useClass: AppExceptionHandler})
like image 154
Thierry Templier Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 22:10

Thierry Templier