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android lollipop toolbar: how to hide/show the toolbar while scrolling?

I'm using the new toolbar widget introduced in the appcompat / support-v7. I would like to hide/show the toolbar depending on if the user is scrolling up/down the page, just like in the new Google's playstore app or NewsStand app. Is there something built into the toolbar widget for this or should I be using it in conjunction with FrameLayout and ObservableScrollView?

like image 233
nomongo Avatar asked Oct 24 '14 00:10


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1 Answers

As far as I know there is nothing build in that does this for you. However you could have a look at the Google IO sourcecode, especially the BaseActivity. Search for "auto hide" or look at onMainContentScrolled

In order to hide the Toolbar your can just do something like this:

toolbar.animate().translationY(-toolbar.getBottom()).setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator()).start(); 

If you want to show it again you call:

toolbar.animate().translationY(0).setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()).start(); 
like image 60
Kuno Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 18:09
