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Add more text after using a filter in ng-bind in angularjs

So I want to put a variable through a filter inthe ng-bind directive

ng-bind="input | filter" 

but I want to insert more text

ng-bind="input | filter + 'more' " 

but this isn't working. Is there a way to add more text in ng-bind, like you could if you were simply using {{}}:

{{input | filter}} more 
like image 252
laggingreflex Avatar asked Jun 28 '14 04:06


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1 Answers

Instead of interpolating(using {{}}) something in the ng-bind directive you can simply enclose the filtered value with a parenthesis and append your text.

<h1 ng-bind="(input | filter) + ' more stuff'"></h1> 

furthermore, if the text you want to add is not in any way dynamic then I suggest you append another element to bind the filtered value and then add the text after that element.


<h1><span ng-bind="(input | filter)"></span> more stuff</h1> 

This saves you one concatenation process.

Example here

like image 114
ryeballar Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 03:10
