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Any way to know if a variable is an angularjs promise?



I'm making a directive that takes a function as a scope parameter (scope: { method:'&theFunction' }). I need to know if the result returned by that method is an angular promise (if yes something will happen on resolution, otherwise it happens right away).

For now I'm testing if foo.then exists but I was wondering if there was a better way to do it.

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Sebastien F. Avatar asked Dec 21 '13 21:12

Sebastien F.

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1 Answers

You can use $q.when to wrap the object as a promise (whether it is or not). Then, you can be sure that you are always dealing with a promise. This should simplify the code that then handles the result.

Documentation for $q.when is here with $q.

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Davin Tryon Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09

Davin Tryon