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Add author affiliation in R markdown beamer presentation

How to add author affiliation in a new line in an rmarkdown beamer presentation?

--- title: "This is the title" author: "Author" date: "Thursday, April 09, 2015" output: beamer_presentation --- ## Slide with Bullets  - Bullet 1 - Bullet 2 - Bullet 3 

The desire title slide should be

This is the title



Thursday, April 09, 2015

like image 475
Crops Avatar asked Apr 09 '15 07:04


1 Answers

If you use pipes | you can break the author line into multiple lines:

--- title: "The title" author: |    | The author   | The affiliation date: "9 April 2015" output: beamer_presentation --- 



Edit (can we play with the title and author/affiliation fonts?):

If you want to change the different font sizes, I recommend playing with the includes: in_header option of your presentation's header (check this RStudio link for specifics).

This points to a simple .tex file on your computer where you can add LaTeX commands specifically for your presentation's preamble. You could therefore have a file called preamble.tex in your Desktop, and use the \setbeamerfont{XX}{size={\fontsize{YY}{ZZ}}} command, where XX is the specific thing you want to change (title, author); YY is the font size to apply; and ZZ is the skip line (in pt) (also see this link for more details).

So for your example, we have:

preamble.tex file at your Desktop (or wherever you want) containing just two lines:

\setbeamerfont{title}{size={\fontsize{30}{25}}} \setbeamerfont{author}{size={\fontsize{5}{20}}} 

Your foo.Rmd file:

--- title: "The title" author: |    | The author   | The affiliation output:  beamer_presentation:    includes:      in_header: ~/Desktop/preamble.tex ---   ## R Markdown  This is an R Markdown presentation.  Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for  authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. 

And the output will be:

beamer font changed

like image 65
Peter Diakumis Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09

Peter Diakumis