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Access the parent selector from within a SASS mixin

I have set up a mixin for a button using display:inline-block. I am trying to get to the parent of whatever class that will eventually end up using the mixim, so I can add the font-size: 0px line there to make sure that I don't need to make adjustments to my HTML to avoid unwanted space between each button.

Here's an example... I want the. parent class to receive the font-size: 0px line.

@mixin button() {
    font-size: 1em;
    //other stuff to make a pretty button
    && { font-size: 0px; }

    .child {
        @include button();
like image 568
MacBryce Avatar asked Apr 22 '13 15:04


People also ask

How do I reference a parent selector in Sass?

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1 Answers

As of Sass 3.4 this is now possible.

@mixin parent {

  @each $selector in & {

    $l: length($selector);

    @if ($l == 1) {
      @error "Used parent mixin on a top-level selector";
    } @else {

      $parent: nth($selector,1);
      @for $i from 2 to $l {
        $parent: append($parent,nth($selector,$i));

      @at-root #{$parent} {


// Use
.grandparent {
      .child {
        font-size: 1em;
          @include parent {
            font-size: 0px;

// Result
.grandparent .parent .child {
  font-size: 1em;
.grandparent .parent {
  font-size: 0px;

// Errors:
.root {
  @include parent {
    content: "Won't work";
.grandparent .parent, .root {
  @include parent {
    content: "Also won't work";
like image 139
Karol Tomoki Yamazaki Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 23:10

Karol Tomoki Yamazaki