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Is it possible to deprecate a sass/scss mixin?



When maintaining and updating the mixins for a large team of developers, is it possible to deprecate mixins so that they throw some sort of warning when the styles are compiled?

I do not simply want to remove the deprecated mixins as it will take some time to remove all the current uses, but it'd be nice to warn the other developers that this is being removed if they attempt to use it.

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quoo Avatar asked Oct 03 '12 17:10


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1 Answers

You can use the @warn directive for this. From the SASS documentation:

The @warn directive prints the value of a SassScript expression to the standard error output stream. It’s useful for libraries that need to warn users of deprecations or recovering from minor mixin usage mistakes.

You'd use it like this:

@mixin old-mixin {
    @warn "This old mixin is deprecated!";

    // mixin definition here
like image 67
hopper Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09
