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SASS : Check if a variable is a map




Is there something like is-map($some_variable) in SASS?

I have tried looking into the documentation but there is none there.

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qtgye Avatar asked Aug 20 '16 10:08


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Maps in Sass hold pairs of keys and values, and make it easy to look up a value by its corresponding key. They're written (<expression>: <expression>, <expression>: <expression>) . The expression before the : is the key, and the expression after is the value associated with that key.

What is the correct way to define a variable in Sass?

The basic syntax for defining a variable is simple: Just use a $ before the variable name and treat its definition like a CSS rule: Sass Variable Syntax: $<variable name>:<value>; The following declares a variable named large-font.

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map-keys($map) function: This function returns the list of the keys in the given map.

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SASS supports two syntaxes namely SCSS and Indented syntax. The SCSS (Sassy CSS) is an extension of CSS syntax. This means every valid CSS is a valid SCSS as well. SCSS makes much easier to maintain large stylesheets and can recognize vendor specific syntax, Many CSS and SCSS files use the extension .

1 Answers

You can implement it with the type-of function, like this one:

@function is-map($var){
  @return type-of($var) == 'map';
like image 163
Amit Avihud Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 14:09

Amit Avihud