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Access template reference variables from component class

People also ask

How do I get the template reference variable in component?

To get started using template reference variables, simply create a new Angular component or visit an existing one. To create a template reference variable, locate the HTML element that you want to reference and then tag it like so: #myVarName .

How do you pass a reference variable in a directive template?

We declare Template reference variables using # followed by the name of the variable ( #variable ). We can also declare them using #variable="customer" when the component/directive defines a customer as the exportAs Property.

Which character should be used to declare a template reference variable?

Syntaxlink In the template, you use the hash symbol, # , to declare a template variable.

That is a use-case for @ViewChild:


class XComponent {
   @ViewChild('ipt', { static: true }) input: ElementRef;

   ngAfterViewInit() {
      // this.input is NOW valid !!

   somefunction() {

Here's a working demo:
