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Difference between EventEmitter.next() and EventEmitter.emit() in Angular 2

People also ask

What is emit event in Angular?

What Is EventEmitter in Angular. EventEmitter is a module that helps share data between components using emit() and subscribe() methods. EventEmitter is in the Observables layer, which observes changes and values and emits the data to the components subscribed to that EventEmitter instance.

What is difference between subject and EventEmitter?

Conclusion. Use Eventemitter when transferring data from child component to parent component. Use Subject to transfer data from one component to another component.

Where do we use event emitter in Angular?

We use EventEmitter to notify data changes from child component to parent component. Understanding @Output and EventEmitter in Angular Table of Content 1.

What does event emitter do?

The EventEmitter is a module that facilitates communication/interaction between objects in Node. EventEmitter is at the core of Node asynchronous event-driven architecture. Many of Node's built-in modules inherit from EventEmitter including prominent frameworks like Express. js.

They do the same. emit() is the current version, next() is deprecated.

See also https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/b5b6ece65a96f5b8f134ad4899b56bf84afe3ba0/modules/angular2/src/facade/async.dart#L49

In the latest version(Ng9), the source code of event_emitter.ts goes as following:

export class EventEmitter<T extends any> extends Subject<T> {
   * Emits an event containing a given value.
   * @param value The value to emit.
  emit(value?: T) { super.next(value); }

EventEmitter extends from parent class Subject. And emit method call super.next() as you may expected.