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How to set default values for Angular 2 component properties?

People also ask

How do I change the default form value?

On the Tools menu, click Form Options. Click Advanced in the Category list, and then click Edit Default Values. In the Edit Default Values dialog box, select the field whose default value you want to set.

What is @input set in angular?

Use the @Input() decorator in a child component or directive to let Angular know that a property in that component can receive its value from its parent component. It helps to remember that the data flow is from the perspective of the child component.

How do I set default value in ngModel?

The default behaviour in ngModel is that the model value is set to undefined when the validation determines that the value is invalid. By setting the allowInvalid property to true, the model will still be updated even if the value is invalid.

That is interesting subject. You can play around with two lifecycle hooks to figure out how it works: ngOnChanges and ngOnInit.

Basically when you set default value to Input that's mean it will be used only in case there will be no value coming on that component. And the interesting part it will be changed before component will be initialized.

Let's say we have such components with two lifecycle hooks and one property coming from input.

  selector: 'cmp',
export class Login implements OnChanges, OnInit {
  @Input() property: string = 'default';

  ngOnChanges(changes) {
    console.log('Changed', changes.property.currentValue, changes.property.previousValue);

  ngOnInit() {
    console.log('Init', this.property);


Situation 1

Component included in html without defined property value

As result we will see in console: Init default

That's mean onChange was not triggered. Init was triggered and property value is default as expected.

Situation 2

Component included in html with setted property <cmp [property]="'new value'"></cmp>

As result we will see in console:

Changed new value Object {}

Init new value

And this one is interesting. Firstly was triggered onChange hook, which setted property to new value, and previous value was empty object! And only after that onInit hook was triggered with new value of property.

Here is the best solution for this. (ANGULAR All Version)

Addressing solution: To set a default value for @Input variable. If no value passed to that input variable then It will take the default value.

I have provided solution for this kind of similar question. You can find the full solution from here

export class CarComponent implements OnInit {
  private _defaultCar: car = {
    // default isCar is true
    isCar: true,
    // default wheels  will be 4
    wheels: 4

  @Input() newCar: car = {};

  constructor() {}

  ngOnInit(): void {

   // this will concate both the objects and the object declared later (ie.. ...this.newCar )
   // will overwrite the default value. ONLY AND ONLY IF DEFAULT VALUE IS PRESENT

    this.newCar = { ...this._defaultCar, ...this.newCar };
   //  console.log(this.newCar);