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Access application.properties value in thymeleaf template



I have one of my spring boot application and inside my application.properties there is one of the property is url=myurl.net. In the same application I have one thyme leaf html template. I wanted to get the url value into that template. I am using the following code inside the thymeleaf html template <font face=arial size=2 > access the url : </font> ${environment.getProperty(‘url’)}

Output I am getting :

access the url : $(environment.getProperty(‘url’)}

Output I am expecting:

access the url : myurl.net

Instead of actual value I am getting the same text. Can someone please help me on this. Appreciate your help.

like image 463
Java_the_great Avatar asked May 12 '19 18:05


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2 Answers

You have to use

${@environment.getProperty('css.specific.name')} this will fetch css.specific.name property from the application.properties file.

like image 71
Ashwini Jha Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 22:09

Ashwini Jha

Map your prop value in your controller, and call it directly from Thymeleaf template.

public class XController {

    private String url;     // Directly instead of using envireonment

    @RequestMapping(value = "form-show", method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public ModelAndView showForm() {
        ModelAndView model = new ModelAndView();

        // The key which will look in your HTML with.
        model.addObject("urlValue", url);
        return model;

In your html normally call it like this

        <span th:text="#{urlValue}"></span>
like image 34
Mohamed Sweelam Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 22:09

Mohamed Sweelam