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How to use thymeleaf conditions - if - elseif - else



I have a little problem, I must return a different choice of a select into a td using thymeleaf, I try the next sentence:

<td style="white-space: nowrap">
    <span th:class="${linea.estado}? 'label label-success' : 'label label-danger' : 'label label-warning'"
          th:text="${linea.estado}? #{label.glineas.estado.iniciado} : #{label.glineas.estado.finalizado} : #{label.glineas.estado.configurado}">

But I have a problem because the condition give me a big failure because is impossible to parse the expression. With only two conditions (iniciado and finalizado) there aren't problem, but I need to get the correct label for the select in my form.

Anybody knows the correct sentence to use a if elseif else sentence with thymeleaf?

2.0 Now I am trying to solve this problem with the next:

<td style="white-space: nowrap">
    <span th:if="${linea.estado} == 'Iniciado'" class="label label-success" th:text="#{label.glineas.estado.iniciado}"></span>
    <span th:if="${linea.estado} == 'Finalizado'" class="label label-danger" th:text="#{label.glineas.estado.finalizado}"></span>
    <span th:if="${linea.estado} == 'Configuracion'" class="label label-warning" th:text="#{label.glineas.estado.configurado}"></span>

The solution is perfect, now all works properly. Thanks for all.

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Distopic Avatar asked Apr 10 '15 12:04


3 Answers

You conditional operator contains 3 results. It should have 2 like this.

condition ? first_expression : second_expression;

In your situation. I assume linea.estado is a boolean value

<td style="white-space: nowrap">
    <span th:class="${linea.estado} ? 'label label-success' : 'label label-danger'" 
        th:text="${linea.estado}? #{label.glineas.estado.iniciado} : #{label.glineas.estado.finalizado}">

If you want 3 values to be output and given that the linea.estado is a string which may contain 'WARN', 'DANGER', 'INFO' then you can do something like this.

<span th:class="'label label-' + ((${linea.estado} == 'SUCCESS') ? 'success' : (${linea.estado} == 'DANGER') ? 'danger' : 'warning')"                   

But the cleaner solution will be something like this

<span th:if="${linea.estado} == 'SUCCESS'" class="label label-success" th:text="#{label.glineas.estado.iniciado}"></span>
<span th:if="${linea.estado} == 'DANGER'" class="label label-danger" th:text="#{label.glineas.estado.finalizado}"></span>
<span th:if="${linea.estado} == 'WARN'" class="label label-warning" th:text="#{label.glineas.estado.configurado}"></span>

Or using Switch as mentioned by Patrick LC

  • be aware of syntax errors, as I didnt test any codes on runtime
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Faraj Farook Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 12:10

Faraj Farook

I think the solution is to use the switch statement, from Thymeleaf documentation:

<div th:switch="${user.role}">
  <p th:case="'admin'">User is an administrator</p>
  <p th:case="#{roles.manager}">User is a manager</p>
  <p th:case="*">User is some other thing</p>

There isn't any other structure to use in Thymeleaf, although you could use th:if/th:unless. Check this thread in the thymeleaf forum.

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Leandro Carracedo Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 12:10

Leandro Carracedo

I need else if but all my condition are not so simple that th:switch="${user.role} can works, so I do this:

<div th:switch="true">
    <p th:case="${product.price} == '849'"> Beautiful Goat</p>
    <p th:case="false"> Magnificent Goat</p>
    <p th:case="'Whatever things I want to do with my else if'"> Goat</p>
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Ng Sek Long Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 13:10

Ng Sek Long