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A product matching the following parameters cannot be found during VS Installation

I've tried all the solution available at StackOverflow and VS developer community but I'm unable to resolve the error saying.

A product matching the following parameters cannot be found:

channelId:  VisualStudio.15.Release
productId:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Product.Community

Here are the solutions that I've tried.

  • tried deleting the VS folder in Program Files
  • tried running InstallCleanup.exe -i with cmd (as administrator)
  • tried running InstallCleanup.exe -f with cmd (as administrator)
  • tried deleting VS packages from Program Data
  • tried installing with new and old both packages
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Zeeshan Adil Avatar asked Nov 30 '17 16:11

Zeeshan Adil

3 Answers

I had this problem and was able to solve with following steps

  1. Open a command prompt with admin privileges
  2. Run following command (this will clean up previous install cache. -full option is important) "%programfiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\resources\app\layout\InstallCleanup.exe" -full
  3. Restart the installer

Hope this helps. Just to add, I did not have to uninstall VS 2015 for this to work.

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Shashank Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 15:11


For people looking for solutions to VS2019 issue, The InstallCleanup.exe is under "Installer" directory instead of its subdir.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\InstallCleanup.exe" -full
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mahee96 Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 14:11


Follow these steps and your issue will be resolved:


  1. Please navigate to C:\Program Files x86 and search for a Microsoft Visual Studio folder. Then right click and delete that folder.

  2. Then remove only Visual Studio folders from these 2 locations, if they are there: C:\Users\YOUR_USER\AppData\Local\Microsoft

  3. Lastly, please type regedit in the lower left search field to access the registry editor... Once it's open navigate to HKEY LOCAL MACHINE > SOFTWARE > MICROSOFT and check for a Visual Studio folder there. If you see one there, right click and delete the folder.


Before you attempt your installation again, make certain you are following these guidelines below:

  1. Restart.

  2. Make sure your Windows is up-to-date, check for any pending Windows Updates.

  3. Disable any anti-virus/firewall temporarily (this includes Windows Defender). Installer needs unblocked access to the internet to access Microsoft Servers.

  4. Clean up the (C:\Windows\Temp) folder.

  5. When launching the Installer, Right Click and select "Run as Admin" Overlooking the above steps results in most installations failures.

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Rovii Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 16:11
