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zsh autocomplete anaconda environments

Is it possible to get zsh to autocomplete anaconda environments that show up under source activate? It is annoying to always have to run conda info -e to figure out what each environment's name is.

like image 642
tlnagy Avatar asked Aug 04 '15 20:08


1 Answers

As indicated by asmeurer there is conda-zsh-completion.

Install it by cloning the repository to your machine

git clone https://github.com/esc/conda-zsh-completion

and add the following to your .zshrc

compinit conda

Note that if you're using oh-my-zsh the first line has to go before the line where you initiate oh-my-zsh and the second one after the initialisation.

Now you're able to autocomplete conda like

conda a<TAB> env-name-parti<TAB>
like image 154
joleroi Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 23:10
