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YQL query service replacement now that Yahoo shut it down





So now that Yahoo shut down query.yahooapis.com as the following message indicates, does anyone know of a free replacement?

"Important EOL Notice: As of Thursday, Jan. 3, 2019, the YQL service at query.yahooapis.com will be retired. This will impact users of datatables.org as well as developers who creates features using this YQL service. To continue using our free Yahoo Weather APIs, use https://weather-ydn-yql.media.yahoo.com/forecastrss as your new API endpoint. Contact [email protected] for credentials to onboard to this free Yahoo Weather API service. Other YQL based services that use query.yahooapis.com will no longer operate."

Need to replace "//query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=" for my rss scraper to work.

function yql(a, b) {
        return (
          "**//query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=**" +
            "select * from " +
              b +
              ' where url="' +
              a +
              '" limit ' +
          ) +
like image 888
Purp1eOne Avatar asked Jan 04 '19 22:01


2 Answers

I found this and it worked great for me. https://api.rss2json.com There's a free layer and it's way more straightforward than YQL was for RSS to JSONP conversion.

like image 77
Xopher Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 17:11


I build CloudQuery which is able to turn most websites to API and it has a simple to use web interface to create the API. And it is open sourced on github

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timqian Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 18:11
