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You don’t have permission to save the file “project.xcworkspace” in the folder “jDiet.xcodeproj”.?

I'm still new with this PhoneGap and Xcode and I can't find the solution via Google.

After creating the file in the terminal, and try to open the Xcode project I get the following error:

You don’t have permission to save the file “project.xcworkspace” in the folder “jDiet.xcodeproj”.?

When I click OK, in the Xcode, I CAN'T modified the contents in the files, for example, the coding in index.html file.

Can you help me solve this?

I'm a new user here, so I cant post an image (snapshot) as I need a reputation of 10. Sorry.

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F Z Avatar asked May 17 '13 16:05


1 Answers

I just solved my problem by myself.

Right click on the file that terminal created, click get info and see the "sharing & permission".

I compare my xcode folder and "this terminal created folder" sharing & permission.

The name for "write and read" permission for this "terminal created folder" is under "system" name instead of my username, fakhrulzakry. So i click on + and add my username and set the Privilege to Read&Write.


Actually I did this before i post this question, but i was wrongly choose the upper folder instead of the main folder for phonegap. So you need carefully check the exact folder .

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F Z Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09