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Issue uploading iOS app to iTunes Connect: "Symbol tools failed"

I am in the process of uploading my app to iTunes Connect. As I am uploading to iTunes Connect, an error comes up, saying "An error occurred during upload. Symbols tool failed."

I am very confused to why this error is occurring. I've been able to upload builds to iTunes Connect previously without issue. Our team added Placed framework in our app recently and I have a hunch that might be the issue, but I am not sure. The reason I feel that Placed is our issue is because Xcode mentions that it has 0 Entitlements three times before the upload.

How do I bypass this issue?

Before upload (notice the Placed 0 Entitlements): enter image description here

Symbols tool failed error, occurs shortly after pressing the upload button in previous picture: enter image description here

Archive upload failed: enter image description here

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Josh O'Connor Avatar asked Dec 17 '15 00:12

Josh O'Connor

3 Answers

I ran into this problem with XCode 9 and it appears to occur when you have third party frameworks or compiled .a libraries added to your projects build settings as it is unable to symbolicate these files.

Unchecking Include app symbols allows it to upload.

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Christopher Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 04:10


To resolve this myself, Go to Build Phases -> Copy Bundle Resources -> Remove all frameworks or folder with frameworks. No frameworks should be there!

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itzo Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 03:10


For me this happened when my hard disk was out of space, check out the logs.

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17th Dimension Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 05:10

17th Dimension