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Yield Templates with meteor and iron router

I am using the new blaze-integration branch of IR and have made the necessary changes for an existing application. I have in one of my templates a yield region:

        {{> yield region='signup-detail'}}

I would like to set this region in a route configuration using yieldTemplates. My route is configured like so:

this.route('signUpInfo', {
        path: '/sign-up',
        template: 'signUp-form',
        yieldTemplates: _.extend({}, mainYieldTemplates, {
            'information': {to: 'signup-detail'}

mainYieldTemplates = {
    'footer': { to: 'footer' },
    'header': {to: 'header'}

My template 'information' is not rendering into signup-detail. Only happens with the new shark branch and IR blaze, has anything changed with Yield templates ?

The footer and header templates are set correctly.

EDIT: Template Layout

<template name="basicLayout">

    {{> yield region='header'}}
    <div class="container">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-md-12 col-centered padding-top-four-em">
                {{> yield}}
            {{> yield region='footer'}}

EDIT 2: SignUp Form template

<template name="signUp-form">
    <div class="col-md-12 signup-container">
        <div class="col-md-9 signup-content gray-border-box">
            {{> yield region='signup-detail'}}

Note: The signUp-form template has a region signup-detail. This is where my route signUpInfo needs to render the information template to that region. This used to work in IR before the blaze-integration.

like image 261
Warz Avatar asked Mar 23 '14 00:03


1 Answers

I don't know it's a perfect way to render.But it works for me


Router.route('/', function () {

    // use the template named ApplicationLayout for our layout

    // render the Post template into the "main" region
    // {{> yield}}

    // render the PostAside template into the yield region named "aside" 
    // {{> yield "aside"}}
    this.render('PostAside', {to: 'aside'});

    // render the PostFooter template into the yield region named  "footer" 
   // {{> yield "footer"}}
   this.render('PostFooter', {to: 'footer'});


<template name="ApplicationLayout">

        {{> yield "aside"}}

        {{> yield}}

        {{> yield "footer"}}


<template name="Post">

<template name="PostFooter">
    Some post specific footer content.

<template name="PostAside">
    Some post specific aside content.
like image 64
Sajin M Aboobakkar Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 01:11

Sajin M Aboobakkar