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Javascript: Detecting if text would wrap



How can I detect if a piece of text would wrap?

So imagine I have a UI with a header that has largish text. I want the biggest text here that fits vertically in a menu bar. It displays numerical data like this:

LABEL: 9999   LABEL2: 99999

The number parts can get larger. On some screens - e.g. phones - it causes the element to overflow and wrap below the bar that it is supposed to stay in. I don't want to do overflow:hidden. I want the user to see the whole thing.

I'd like to be able to somehow calculate how big the element would be, and if it would wrap pre-emptively shrink the font, possibly move the element left to make space.

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Rafael Baptista Avatar asked May 24 '13 22:05

Rafael Baptista

1 Answers

You can detect the difference between the different width properties of the containing element's width and scroll width if you set the white-space css handling to nowrap.

Here is a jsFiddle to demonstrate, and the code:

    $("#messages").append($("#aa").width() + " " + $("#aa").outerWidth() + " " + $("#aa")[0].scrollWidth);
#aa {
    white-space: nowrap;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="aa">lksjdlakj dla ldakjl skajd lkasjlkdas dlaskdjl aksjd laksdj laks djlkas dlkasjd lkasjdl alkdj laksdj alsklkajlksjad lkajsld kasjldkasjd lkjlsk djlkasdj llaskjdl aksdjlaksjd lkasjdlak sdl</div>
<div id="messages"></div>

Once you know that the scroll width is wider than the width, you can then resize the text or do what you need to do until it isn't.

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Klors Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09
