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Efficient server-side JavaScript memory management in an express/node.js API


I've done some reading on JavaScript memory management in the past, and am aware of the issue with circular DOM references, etc.

However I'm still a little bit uncomfortable as this translates to a server-side JavaScript environment such as node.js, and more specifically an API written on express.

Take this sample file (lets call it server.js)

var npm_moduleA = require('npmA')({ someInitArg : 'blah' }),
    app = express.createServer();

app.get('/api/foo', function (req, res) {

    var result = npm_moduleA.doSomething();


app.get('/api/bar', function (req, res) {

    var npm_moduleB = require('npmB')({ someInitArg : 'blah' }),
        result = npm_moduleB.doSomethingElse();



Questions (assuming this is a high-load site)

  1. What is the lifecycle of npm_moduleA? It gets created at the moment that the server starts, but when (if at all does GC kick in against it) - I'm guessing that it never gets touched because its in the global scope?

  2. In '/api/bar/', should npm_moduleB be deleted after each request? Or should this be left to the GC alone.

  3. Is the global instantiation of npm_moduleA significantly more efficient than repetative the instantiation (and possible deletion) of npm_moduleB?


  • JavaScript Memory Management
  • Memory leak patterns in JavaScript
  • What is JavaScript garbage collection?
  • Backbone.js and JavaScript Garbage Collection
like image 803
isNaN1247 Avatar asked May 14 '12 18:05


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1 Answers

As the node.js won't create and destroy running context for each call, so both npm_moduleA and npm_moduleB will live (in cache) until you kill the server.

In fact no matter where you require the module, it just get a pointer to the module's entry point. it doesn't instance any thing at run time.

here is a example:


var t = require('./module.js');
t.value = 10;

function test() {
  var t2 = require('./module.js');



module.exports = {};

console outputs:


In this case just put your require()s at global scope for once. don't do requires in callbacks, because require() has some file name resolving work to do, and it has no difference from require in global scope (in any aspect.)

But if you are going to instance a class new SomeClass(), then where you do it matters.

like image 101
xiaoyi Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 11:10
