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Open browse window in IE on single click file input

I'm having some trouble to make the file input work the way I want it. The file element exists of 2 parts, the textfield and the browse button. In other browsers than IE clicking either of them opens a window where you can select your files. In IE however it only opens when I click the browse button. If I click the textfield next to it I have to doubleclick in order for the window to open. Is there a way to fix this with javascript so a single click on the textfield will also open the window? I tried the following, but it didn't work. (code is much simplified from the real example)

Html: <input id="file" name="file" type="file"/>

JS / jQuery:



Now the above code alerts the "Double" but doesn't open the window. Is there a way to fix this?

Thanks in advance.

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Ilians Avatar asked Dec 16 '11 12:12


1 Answers

Since the entire control is native to the browser (and are never exposed as text box plus button) you simply do not have access to methods/events that will allow you to invoke the upload button. I believe this is mainly to avoid sites tricking the user into uploading non-intended files.

If you can manage to take a little time to implement a workaround, this does a nice of job of creating a rather nice upload component thats easier to manage. I'm sure a quick google will list you many other examples on how to style the file upload component.

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lsoliveira Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 11:10
