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Xpath to search for a node that has ANY attribute containing a specific string?

I can search for a String contained in an specific attribute if I use the following XPath /xs:schema/node()/descendant::node()[starts-with(@my-specific-attribute-name-here, 'my-search-string')]

However, I'd like to search for ANY attribute containing* a String

like image 575
emdog4 Avatar asked Sep 13 '11 16:09


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2 Answers

Sample XML:

  <element1 a="hello" b="world"/>
  <element2 c="world" d="hello"/>
  <element3 e="world" f="world"/>

Suppose, we need to select elements which have any attribute containing h. In this sample: element1, element2. We can use this XPath:

//*[@*[starts-with(., 'h')]]

In your sample:

    [@*[starts-with(@my-specific-attribute-name-here, 'my-search-string')]]
like image 88
Kirill Polishchuk Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 18:10

Kirill Polishchuk

The general pattern you're looking for is:

@*[contains(., 'string')]

which will match any attribute on the context element that contains string. So if you simply want to search the whole document for attributes containing string, you'd use:

//@*[contains(., 'string')]
like image 32
Robert Rossney Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 20:10

Robert Rossney