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XPath: select text node

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Can we use text () in XPath?

5) XPath Text() FunctionThe XPath text() function is a built-in function of selenium webdriver which is used to locate elements based on text of a web element. It helps to find the exact text elements and it locates the elements within the set of text nodes. The elements to be located should be in string form.

How do I search for text in XPath?

text(): A built-in method in Selenium WebDriver that is used with XPath locator to locate an element based on its exact text value. contains(): Similar to the text() method, contains() is another built-in method used to locate an element based on partial text match.

How do I navigate to parent node in XPath?

A Parent of a context node is selected Flat element. A string of elements is normally separated by a slash in an XPath statement. You can pick the parent element by inserting two periods “..” where an element would typically be. The parent of the element to the left of the double period will be selected.

Having the following XML:


How do I select either the first or the second text node via XPath?



This selects all text-node children of the top element (named "node") of the XML document.


This selects the first text-node child of the top element (named "node") of the XML document.


This selects the second text-node child of the top element (named "node") of the XML document.


This selects the someInteger-th text-node child of the top element (named "node") of the XML document. It is equivalent to the following XPath expression:

/node/text()[position() = someInteger]

your xpath should work . i have tested your xpath and mine in both MarkLogic and Zorba Xquery/ Xpath implementation.

Both should work.

/node/child::text()[1] - should return Text1
/node/child::text()[2] - should return text2

/node/text()[1] - should return Text1
/node/text()[2] - should return text2