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xpath query for finding an element with a condition which matches the attribute and child node value

I have 2 elements with same attribute but with different child node values. Can I query to find a specific element which matches the attribute and also the child node value. To be specific, this is the sample xml i am using to query(each element in original xml has more than 10 childe nodes).

 <Book size="2">
 <Book size="2">
 <Book size="4">

So, now I want to find the Book element which has the @size = "2" and Title = xyz.

Is this possible by using SelectSingleNode method? If not how to query this?


like image 773
anamik Avatar asked Apr 19 '11 21:04


1 Answers



Or this:

//Book[@size='2' and Title='xyz']

Note that the use of // is discouraged when your schema is known.

like image 138
Wayne Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 23:09
