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XML into Associative Array using PHP





Can anyone help with converting data from an XML document into an associative array? I'm running into issues given that the XML structure is sort of 3D and the array is more of a 2D structure (please forgive my lack of correct terminology throughout). The XML elements have attributes, children and grand-children (but I never know their names), so I figured I'd try to make the key in the array a concatenation of each child/attribute name and the value equal to, well, the value. Trouble is I need the attribute name and value as part of the concatenated array key to make it unique...

For example:

<Computer id="1">   
        <Age>Older than me</Age>
<Computer id="2">
        <Age>Not so much</Age>

Should ideally give:

[Computer-id-1-OS-Name] = 'Linux'
[Computer-id-1-OS-Age] = 'Older than me'
[Computer-id-2-OS-Name] = 'Windows'
[Computer-id-2-OS-Age] = 'Not so much'

But I'm getting this result:

[Computer-id] = '1'
[Computer-OS-Name] = 'Linux'
[Computer-OS-Age] = 'Older than me'
[Computer-id] = '2'
[Computer-OS-Name] = 'Windows'
[Computer-OS-Age] = 'Not so much'

So that the [Computer-id] key is not unique. I'm using a recursive function to read in the values, but I can't figure how to get the attribute name and attribute value into the name of the subordinate keys...(By the way there is a good reason for doing this seemingly illogical task!) Any help would be greatly appreciated...

Here is the function which 'flattens' the XML data after it has been read into a multi-dimensional array. I'm not sure I'm going about this the right way!

function flattenArray ($array, $baseName = NULL)
    while (list ($key, $value) = each($array)) {
        $outKey = $key . "-";
        if (is_array($value)) {
            flattenArray($value, $baseName . $outKey);
        } else {
            $finalKey = $baseName . rtrim($outKey, '-');
            $finalValue = $value;
            echo "$finalKey = $finalValue\n";
like image 593
Jak Avatar asked Jun 30 '11 11:06


People also ask

How do I parse an XML text file into an array?

Step 1: Creating an XML file (Optional): Create an XML file which need to convert into the array. <? xml version = '1.0' ?> Step 2: Convert the file into string: XML file will import into PHP using file_get_contents() function which read the entire file as a string and store into a variable.

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Associative arrays in PHP store key value pairs. For instance, If you need to store marks earned by a student in different subjects in an array, a numerically indexed array may not be the right choice.

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echo arrayToXml( $my_array ); ?> The above problem ca be solved using array_walk_recursive() function. This function converts array to xml document where keys of array are converted into values and values of array are converted into element of xml.

1 Answers

This worked great for me, and it was simple.

$ob = simplexml_load_file('test.xml');
$json = json_encode($ob);
$array = json_decode($json, true);
like image 198
mike628 Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 05:09
